

General survey of the European Convention
The procedure before the European Court of Human Rights
The supervisory task of the Committee of Ministers
The supervisory function of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
The system of restrictions
Right to life (Article 2)
Freedom from torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Aritcle 3)
Freedom from slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour (Article 4)
Right to liberty and security of person (Article 5)
Right to a fair and public hearing (Article 6)
Freedom from retrospective effect of penal legislation (Article 7)
Right to respect for privacy (Article 8)
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Aricle 9)
Freedom of expression (Article 10)
Freedom of association and assembly (Article 11)
The right to marry and found a family (Article 12)
Right to the peaceful enjoyment of one's possessions (Article 1 of Protocol no. 1)
Right to education (Article 2 of Protocol no. 1)
Free elections by secret ballot (Article 3 of Protocol no. 1)
Prohibition of deprivation of liberty on the ground of inability to fulfill a contractual obligation ( Article 1 of Protocol no. 4)
The right to liberty of movement (Article 2 of Protocol no. 4)
Prohibition of expulsion of nationals and the right of nationals to enter their own country (Article 3 of Protocol no. 4)
Prohibition of collective exlpulsion of aliens (Article 4 of Protocol no. 4)
Abolition of the death penalty (Article 1 of Protocol no. 6)
Expulsion of aliens (Article 1 of Protocol no. 7)
The right to review by higher tribunal (Article 2 of Protocol no. 7)
Compensation for miscarriage of justice (Article 3 of Protocol no. 7)
Ne bis in idem ( Article 4 of Protocol no. 7)
Equality of rights and responsibilities between spouses during and after marriage (Article 5 of Protocol no. 7)
General prohibition of discrimination ( Article 1 of Protocol no. 12)
Abolition of the dealth penalty in time of war (Article 1 of Protocol no. 13)
Right to an effective remedy before a national authority (Article 13)
Prohibition of discrimination (Article 14)
Derogation from the rights and freedoms in case of a public emergency (Article 15)
Restrictions on the political activity of aliens (Article 16)
Prohibition of abuse of the rights and freedoms set forth in the Conventon and of their limitations to a greater extent than is provided for in the Convention (Article 17)
Prohibition of misuses of power in restricting the rights and freedoms (Article 18)
Reservations (Article 57)
Appendix: Dates of Ratification of the ECHR and additonal protocols.

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