Table of Contents
Introduction / Jeffrey N. Gordon & Mark J. Roe
The end of history for corporate law / Henry Hansmann & Reinier Kraakman
A theory of path dependence in corporate ownership and governance / Lucian Arye Bebchuk & Mark J. Roe
Path dependence and complementarity in corporate governance / Reinhard H. Schmidt & Gerald Spindler
Globalizing corporate governance : convergence of form or function / Ronald J. Gilson
The international relations wedge in the corporate convergence debate / Jeffrey N. Gordon
Property rights in firms / Curtis J. Milhaupt
Modern politics and ownership separation / Mark J. Roe
The politics of corporate convergence / David Charny
Ungoverned production / Charles F. Sabel
Convergence of sustantive law and convergence of enforcement : a comparison / GĂ©rard Hertig
Cross-shareholding in the Japanese keiretsu / J. Mark Ramseyer.
The end of history for corporate law / Henry Hansmann & Reinier Kraakman
A theory of path dependence in corporate ownership and governance / Lucian Arye Bebchuk & Mark J. Roe
Path dependence and complementarity in corporate governance / Reinhard H. Schmidt & Gerald Spindler
Globalizing corporate governance : convergence of form or function / Ronald J. Gilson
The international relations wedge in the corporate convergence debate / Jeffrey N. Gordon
Property rights in firms / Curtis J. Milhaupt
Modern politics and ownership separation / Mark J. Roe
The politics of corporate convergence / David Charny
Ungoverned production / Charles F. Sabel
Convergence of sustantive law and convergence of enforcement : a comparison / GĂ©rard Hertig
Cross-shareholding in the Japanese keiretsu / J. Mark Ramseyer.