Table of Contents
Introduction / Nathaniel Persily, Gillian E. Metzger and Trevor W. Morrison
The court affirms the social contract / Jack M. Balkin
Who won the Obamacare case? / Randy E. Barnett
A most improbable 1787 Constitution : a (mostly) originalist critique of the constitutionality of the ACA / Richard E. Epstein
The June surprises : balls, strikes, and the fog of war / Charles fried
Much ado : the potential impact of the Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act / Robert N. Weiner
The missing due process argument / Jamal Greene
"Necessary, " "proper, " and health care reform / Andrew Koppelman
The presumption of constitutionality and the individual mandate / Gillian E. Metzger and Trevor W. Morrison
The individual mandate and the proper meaning of "proper" / Ilya Somin
Judicial minimalism, the mandate, and Mr. Roberts / Jonathan H. Adler
Is it the Roberts court? / Linda Greenhouse
More law than politics : the chief, the "mandate, " legality, and statesmanship / Neil S. Siegel
The secret history of the chief justice's Obamacare decision / John Fabian Witt
Federalism by waiver after the Health Care case / Samuel R. Bagenstos
The Health Care case in the public mind : opinion on the Supreme Court and health reform in a polarized era / Andrea Louise Campbell and Nathaniel Persily
Federalism from federal statutes : health reform, Medicaid and the old-fashioned Federalists' gamble / Abbe R. Gluck
Constitutional uncertainty and the design of social insurance : reflections on the ACA case / Michael J. Graetz and Jerry L. Mashaw
The Affordable Care Act and the Constitution : beyond National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius / Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Medicaid's next fifty years : aligning an old program with the new normal / Sara Rosenbaum
Health policy devolution and the institutional hydraulics of the Affordable Care Act / Theodore W. Ruger.
The court affirms the social contract / Jack M. Balkin
Who won the Obamacare case? / Randy E. Barnett
A most improbable 1787 Constitution : a (mostly) originalist critique of the constitutionality of the ACA / Richard E. Epstein
The June surprises : balls, strikes, and the fog of war / Charles fried
Much ado : the potential impact of the Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act / Robert N. Weiner
The missing due process argument / Jamal Greene
"Necessary, " "proper, " and health care reform / Andrew Koppelman
The presumption of constitutionality and the individual mandate / Gillian E. Metzger and Trevor W. Morrison
The individual mandate and the proper meaning of "proper" / Ilya Somin
Judicial minimalism, the mandate, and Mr. Roberts / Jonathan H. Adler
Is it the Roberts court? / Linda Greenhouse
More law than politics : the chief, the "mandate, " legality, and statesmanship / Neil S. Siegel
The secret history of the chief justice's Obamacare decision / John Fabian Witt
Federalism by waiver after the Health Care case / Samuel R. Bagenstos
The Health Care case in the public mind : opinion on the Supreme Court and health reform in a polarized era / Andrea Louise Campbell and Nathaniel Persily
Federalism from federal statutes : health reform, Medicaid and the old-fashioned Federalists' gamble / Abbe R. Gluck
Constitutional uncertainty and the design of social insurance : reflections on the ACA case / Michael J. Graetz and Jerry L. Mashaw
The Affordable Care Act and the Constitution : beyond National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius / Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Medicaid's next fifty years : aligning an old program with the new normal / Sara Rosenbaum
Health policy devolution and the institutional hydraulics of the Affordable Care Act / Theodore W. Ruger.