

Personal jurisdiction : the enigma of minimum contacts
Varieties of due process : other bases for personal jurisdiction
Statutory limits on personal jurisdiction : the reach and grasp of the long-arm
Seeking the home field advantage : challenges to personal jurisdiction
Federal questions and federal cases : jurisdiction over cases "arising under" federal law
Diversity jurisdiction : when does multiplicity constitute diversity?
Personal and subject matter jurisdiction compared : the first two rings
Second-guessing the plaintiff's choice of forum : removal
Proper venue in federal courts : a rough measure of convenience
Choosing a proper court : the three rings reconsidered
Easy Erie : the law of Rome and Athens
Eerie Erie : the substance/substance distinction
Erie and state choice of law : vertical uniformity and horizontal chaos
Sculpting the lawsuit : the basic rules of joinder
Into the labyrinth : joinder of parties under Rule 14
Essentials and interlopers : joinder of parties under rules 19 and 24
Jurisdictional fellow travelers : supplemental jurisdiction
Jurisdiction vs. joinder : the difference between power and permission
The bearer of bad tidings : service of process in the federal courts
Getting off easy : the motion to dismiss
When justice so requires : amendments to pleadings under the Federal Rules
The scope of discovery : the rules giveth, and the rules taketh away
Tools of the trade : the basic methods of discovery
Defective allegation or insufficient proof? dismissal for failure to state a claim compared to summary judgment
The judge and the jury, part one : judgment as a matter of law (directed verdict)
The judge and the jury, part two : whose case is this, anyway?
Res judicata (claim preclusion) : the limits of procedural liberality
Res judicata and the rules of joinder : when does may mean must?
Collateral estoppel (issue preclusion) : fine-tuning the preclusion doctrine
The obscure kingdom : nonmutual collateral estoppel
An introduction to the pretrial litigation process : setting the stage for the Schulansky case
First moves : Schulansky goes to court
A change of forum : Ronan removes to federal court
The defendants' perspective : Ronan's answer and counterclaim
Chain reaction : Ronan brings in Jones
Preliminary objections : Jones seeks a way out.

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