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The history of the European Commuity and the European Union
The treaties and the Union's institutions
Preliminary references and preliminary rulings
Enforcement proceedings against member states
Constitutional doctrines : direct effect and primacy
The sphere of EU law, legislation, the legislative process, and the budget
Judicial review of European Union Acts
Fundamental rights, the charter of rights, democratic values and transparency
National remedies for the enforcement of EU law claims
The reception of European Union Law in the member states
Free movement of goods : duties, charges, internal taxes
Free movement of goods : quantitative restrictions
Free movement of workers
The common market, the internal market and harmonization of laws through directives
Citizenship of the Union, free movement and residence rights, and the area of freedom, security and justice
Right of establishment and right to provide services
Rights of practice for lawyers and other professionals
Industrial and commercial property rights
The treaty, objectives and the single market
Abuse of a dominant position
Horizontal restraints under article 101
Vertical restraints under article 101
The state and competition
The external relations powers of the European Union
Preferential arrangements, association, and accession negotiations
The common commercial policy : the EU in the WTO
Free movement of capital and the integrated financial market
Economic and monetary union
Social policy
Equal employment rights and anti-discrimination
Environmental protection
Litigation in civil and commericial matters.

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