

Austria / Christoph Liebscher
Belgium / Herman Verbist and Hans van Houtte
Brazil / Marcelo Inglez de Souza, Fernanda de Gouvea Ledo, and Cesar Rossi Machado
People's Republic of China and Hong Kong / Friven Yeoh and Desmond Ang
England / Devika Khanna
France / Emmanuel Gaillard and Coralie Darrigade
Germany / Inka Hanefeld and Nils Schmidt-Ahrendts
Italy / Mauro Rubino-Sammartano and Ruggero Rubino-Sammartano
Netherlands / Vesna Lazic and Alexandra Schluep
Singapore / Alvin Yeo, SC and Lim Wei Lee
Sweden / Robin Oldenstam and Johann von Pachelbel
Switzerland / Pierre A. Karrer
United States of America / Peter Bowman Rutledge, Rachael D. Kent, and Christian F. Henel
Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) / Antje Baumann
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules / James E. Costello
International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) Rules / Martin F. Gusy, James M. Hosking, and Franz T. Schwarz
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) Rules / Michael J. Collett QC, Josephine CP Davies, and Belinda McRae
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration / Marianne Roth
New York Convention / Ulrich Haas and Heiner Kahlert.

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